What We Take:
Coastal Metal Recycling accepts a wide variety of metals that other recylcers don’t! We welcome your iron, ferrous metals, and even batteries!
- Brass
- Copper
- Carbide
- Iron
- Nickel Alloy
- Lead
- Stainless Steel
- Steel
- Batteries
- Insulated Wire
- Aluminum (no cans)
- Air Conditioners without Freon
We Don’t Take:
- Aluminum Cans
- Computers
- Cars
- Refrigerators
- Microwaves
- Radioactive Materials
- Live Ammunitions (Bullets, Explosives, Military Target Range Scrap)
- Pressure Regulating Valves
- Any Material Containing Mercury
- Flammable or Combustible Materials
- Materials Containing Asbestos
- Catalytic Converters
- Beer Kegs
- Air Conditioners with Freon
- Glass
- Plastic
- Water Heaters
- Garage Doors